Go Green Tee - NavyISH
Go Green Tee - NavyISH
Becoming eco-aware has been something that I've wanted for a while. I wanted the Trü Scrypture contribution to be stylish...send a message and help reduce the carbon footprint. This look is a win for your closet and the environment. Go Green with Trü Scrypture...at the end of the day...it's All Love.
This tee features the design of the recycler in different hues of green placing trash in a bin. The image is printed on the tee while the back displays the word "LOVE" in Green. Truly Organic!
Features: Smooth, print-perfect 1x1 micro rib. On-trend high neckline. 3/4 length silhouette. Pre-shrunk.
Fabrication: 55% Organic Airlume Cotton, 45% Recylced Polyester. Athletic Heather: 90% Organic Airlume Combed and Ringspun Cotton, 10% Recylced Polyester.
This t-shirt is side-seamed and has a semi-relaxed fit.
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